Happy Mothers Day!

Its amazing how I am able now to relate to what my mama would always rant about before when we were younger, how she had sleepless nights while carrying us in her womb, how she sacrifices her food so that she could give it to us when we were having the worst crisis in life and how she would not buy anything for herself just so she could provide for the four of us.

Back at that time, I had my eyebrows crossed and in my mind would think who told you to do those things?

But now that I am pregnant and had experienced only a bit of what she had been through and I guess I might also going to be like my mother in the future if my kids would be naughty.

Anyway, as a way of celebrating Mothers Day, I had created a super mama digital card and I am sharing it with you here. I hope this would allow you moms out there to feel appreciated and loved.

Here's a video of the process:

If you are a mom reading this, Happy Mothers Day! If you are not, do send this card to your mom and let her feel your love and care!


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